Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Through a chain of events initiated when I attended a music industry panel discussion in October, I've not met a variety of music and publishing players. In my chats with A&R and marketing staff at Univeral Music, the owner of an indie label and entertainment corp., a SOCAN manager and two magazine editors, I've learned some key lessons:

1. A surprising number of people will accept a meeting from a cold call. Thank you Mitch for the awesome meeting request template.

2. I underestimate the uniqueness and impact of my presence and personality.

3. I conduct a damn good interview. Without realizing it, I've provided myself with hands on experience as a journalist - and I love it!

4. [About the music industry especially] The digital lifestyle has greatly affected out behaviours as consumers and the operation of our businesses. With every technological advance, the information gap widens. It is those of us with the understanding of where we are, a vision for where we can go, the knowledge base to get there, and who can challenge convention without offending it, who hold the cards.
5. Inspiration may be found in the least likely place.


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