Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I woke early today (7:00am), intent on heading out to work early with Anthony. Intent on prolonging his restful state, Anthony decided to work from home. With no reason to rush, I got ready at a leisurely pace, and for the first time, sat down and enjoyed a big, hot cup of apple cider in the morning.I normally don't time for that.

I arrived at work by 10:30 and worked productively until 5:30. Home by 6:30 with plenty of time to talk with Anthony, make some calls, update the blog, and get a little bit of work done. Then for some fun, there's Anthony's show with Progress Neges later tonight.

In recent years,the subject of work life balance has influenced lifestyle editorials, health discussions, and human resource developments. For all its talk, its mostly an impossibility in our society - a modern, urban myth propogated by television and advertisers. But it does exist.

Prior to 'Freedom 29', I thought the majority of people in our city worked a Monday to Friday 9 to 5 job. I've since realized there are MANY people who are self employed or who work freelance, contractually, seasonally, part-time, from home, or with otherwise flexible work schedules. They risk the security of a traditional, full-time job yes, and certainly endure financial ebbs and flows but most importantly, they can reap wonderful benefits. To get something new you, you have to try something new! And doing what you love doesn't hurt.

Leap and a net shall appear.


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